Tips to Create Mid-Century Modern Living Room Design

modern livingroom with ceiling chandeliers and good quality of sofa

Modern living room design is too general because if you want to create something bold, unique, and has strong characteristic, you may look for mid-century modern design for living room. In this article, we have gathered several useful tips to turn your living room into a cool one.

Strong color palette

Mid-century modern design looks very interesting and bold. Strong color palette will make the bold statement in it. In fact, you can try dark pastel colors like avocado, tangerine, and others. It will create a bold statement and those colors are easy to pair with other neutral color to create the balance in the living room.

Furniture with good quality

This style of design is commonly associated with the Palm Springs. And basically, every Palm Strings house always provides good furniture with good quality. So, if you want to create mid-century modern living room design then you have to make sure that every piece of furniture in your home could stand the time test.

Include chandelier

Chandelier with mid-century style will create a unique modern design in your living room. Since lighting is one of big things in this style, you should go right or go bad. The chandelier can be installed right over the coffee table. Besides for lighting, this chandelier will also act as a stunning focal point.

Play with texture

Texture is like the main key when you want to create a design that makes a bold statement. Velvet is the most common texture you will see when it comes to mid-century living room. Velvet offers the richness feeling along with the comfy of the fabric. Besides, velvet makes your sofa becomes an excellent place for movie night.

Gather some nature pieces

In order to create a balance space, you need to involve greeneries in it. But if it is not possible to put your garden near the living room, you can simply put one or two types of greeneries inside the living room.

Put some glams

If you have generous space in your living room, you can put some glams on it especially if you want to impress the guest. Some luxurious pieces could be on your consideration list. Side table with marble on top of it could be a good start. Well, modern style should be simple and clean. But if you choose the mid-century style, it requires more than modern living room design.

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