Jewel Tones Decor Interior Tips

flower necklace jewel decor idea

Have you ever wondered if there was such a thing as Jewel Tones decor interior which allows you to incorporate the color of your favorite gemstone to your interior? The answer is yes. It does not matter whether you are into solid fuchsia, pink tourmaline, red ruby, or even bright yellow citrine, all of these solid colors can be used to decorate your home interior! Are you in need for tips and examples of interior decor ideas using these royal colors? You are in luck! Keep reading to learn more about this interior.

Tips on decorating your house with jewel tones

Jewel tones are distinctive, it’s more deep and solid than that of pastel hues which is perhaps the reason why many people tend to think twice when it comes to incorporating gemstone colors into their decor. But why think twice when you know how to properly incorporate those colors to achieve a pleasing effect? Yes, no one should be intimidated with Jewel Tones decor interior with our tips below:

  1. Have a favorite jewel tone? Use it as the main color and focal point of the room you are decorating, there are many ways to do so, but try to just saturate either the ceilings or walls with the tone and see if you like it.
  2. Pick another contrasting tone to serve as a secondary color in the room to avoid dull and monotonous effect.
  3. When you’re done, pick one jewel tone that is neutral in its nature to balance out your main and secondary color. If you wish for a more neutral color, go metallic or amethyst.
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